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My Zero Waste Journey
Why we should all join forces and buy a hemp/flax farm
I've been reading quite a bit on the fashion industry and had no idea how much of a polluter it is or how much that 5€ t-shirt in...
How to save sending old furniture to the dump
First things first, apologies for my sudden lack of posts. I promise I have 2 good excuses which will both provide more content for this...
Weekly updates and tips on where to buy package free
I've had Christmas parties the last 2 weekends so our weekly shops have been a bit more on the lazy side - last week we at least got into...
6 Reasons to simplify your wardrobe
2 weeks ago I packed up 2/3 of my wardrobe in an attempt to simplify my routine as well as physical and mental clutter and so far I'm lo
Shopping/Recycling Updates, All-Purpose Cleaner and Toothpaste Recipe
Lots to catch up on this week. I will split into 2 posts. 1 on shopping updates and new cleaning/toothpaste recipes and another on my...
10 Benefits of Living Zero Waste
This week marks 3 months of living the zero waste lifestyle. So how has it been? It has been and still is a journey. Each week I learn...
Week 11 of Zero Waste
It dawned on me today that 11 weeks is almost 3 months! I need to start coming up with some more imaginative titles for these posts. This...
Week 10 of Zero Waste
Pretty standard week this week. Shopped in the market, prepped some beans for the coming weeks and made some natural washing up liquid. I...
17 Ways to Curb Your Consumerism
Saving money and the environment can go hand in hand. By buying less stuff you are using less resources and also saving money. This could...
Week 9 of Zero Waste
This week was a better week - going easier on ourselves has made a big difference. I'm also decluttering getting ready for our move (if...
Cooking Eggs
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Small Green Plants
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